Monday, August 15, 2011

To Spay and Neuter: A Good Idea

There is no question:

To spay or neuter your dog or cat is good for your pet’s health, for you as a caring pet owner, and for your community.

Spaying/neutering offers a variety of medical benefits that helps your dog or cat live longer and remain healthy.
  1. Spaying reduces the chances of females developing mammary tumors and eliminates future uterine infections and uterine and ovarian cancers.
2. Neutering of males reduces the likelihood of prostrate disease and eliminates the risk of testicular cancer.

"Early-age" spaying/neutering is medically sound and can be achieved as young as eight weeks of age.
This assures your pet will not accidentally mate and can also prevent some undesirable habits from forming.
Consult VPAH about all of the benefits of having your pet spayed/neutered and the appropriate age for surgery.
Learn how easy it is for you and your pet. 

Behavioral Benefits
 In general, spaying or neutering means you should enjoy a calmer and more even-tempered, people-oriented pet.
Spaying females eliminates the nervous whining, yowling, pacing behavior normally associated with a heat cycle.
Neutering male cats reduces or eliminates territorial marking (spraying of urine on surfaces).
Neutering also reduces excessive aggression in dogs and cats towards other animals.
Spaying/neutering of males and females reduces the desire to roam in search of mates. There is less risk of injury from traffic accidents or from fights with other animals.
Spayed and neutered pets are more likely to adapt well to human households and turn their attention and affection towards their owners.

Community Benefits
Spaying/neutering prevents unexpected or unwanted reproduction, often the cause of homeless animals and the reason for higher costs of animal control and the need for animal sheltering programs.
Spaying/neutering reduces a dog’s or cat’s desire to roam, resulting in fewer traffic accidents and neighborhood complaints of nuisance animals.

Your veterinarian plays a key role in your pet’s continued good health. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and spaying/neutering are all part of responsible pet ownership.
If cost of spaying/neutering is an issue, Broward County Animal Control have established a low-cost spay/neuter program that makes the surgery affordable.  
Visit their website for more information:

Health Benefits

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