Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Special Hurricane price of $50.00
The harsh reality in South Florida is that you can never tell when a hurricane will hit; a harsher reality is that 90% of lost pets never find their way back home.  Protect your loved ones from loss with Datamars pet recovery and identification system.  

Microchipping offers pet owners the only truly permanent method of identifying your pet and linking the animal back to you.   Collar tags can break or become unreadable and tattooing can become illegible. So, if you want to improve your pet’s chances of getting home fast and safe in case it were to go missing, microchipping is your best option.

VPAH is promoting microchipping during Hurricane season.

           Since 1988, Datamars has been designing the most complete portfolio

of RFID solutions for companion animal identification as well as the

Empowering online application Pet Link that supports the reunification

of pets with their owners. Datamars' products include rice-sized glass

and plastic-encapsulated RFID transponders, painlessly injected

under the skin of the animal for permanent identification.


v  Companion animal identification

v  Lost pet reunification

v  Companion animal health record management

Key benefits:

v  Error-free identification

v  Universal readability

v  Extreme durability

v  Fast and painless injection

v  Complete pet ID package

Visit Pet Links online registration at www.petlink.net

 Your pets safety and security is our #1 priority…

Victoria Park Animal Hospital 626 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale FL 33304  - 954-617-8724 www.victoriaparkanimalhospital.com